2021 Platinum Awards
Nominees by Category
Vote for Your Favorite Business by Category
Every Vote Counts!
The winner of the award is determined through a combination of the judges score and the public vote. There is a set amount of “points” allocated to the public vote and each nominee finalist will get a portion of the points available in proportion to the percentage of the votes they receive. The scoring in every category is close so even if your favorite doesn’t win the public vote, they can still win the award!
Customer Service Excellence Recognizes and individual or business who has demonstrated a commitment to service excellence.
Recognizes the for-profit businesses who contribute to the social and cultural well-being of New Westminster in the past year.
Recognizes an individual for having made a significant contribution to building Arts & Culture in New Westminster.
Recognizes an individual or business that has successfully adapted their organization in response to the changing economic environment.
Has demonstrated a commitment to New Westminster as a place to do business and has become an outstanding corporate citizen of our community.
Must have been in business for a maximum of 2 years.
Recognizes the commitment of the business to operate in a manner that promotes the sustainability of our planet.
Recognizes a non-profit organization that contributes to the social and/or economic well-being of the community in the past year.
Recognizes a home-based business that maintains good customer relationships and provides excellent product or services. Must be a resident of New Westminster.
Recognizes an organization that has successfully championed wellness for their staff, their customers, or the community at large.
Recognizes individuals or organizations that have promoted inclusion and diversity in their organization or in their community.