Huge Development Means More Fund-raising (with Jeff Norris)

Most people in New Westminster know that the Royal Columbian Hospital is undergoing a huge redevelopment. What most don't know is the size and scope of this $1.5 billion project – the largest ever in the province.  

Of course, most of the money comes from the government, but  Jeff Norris, CEO of the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation, says that there are still many needs to be fulfilled through fund-raising efforts. He talked extensively to host, Susan Millar, on “Conversations”,'s newest program.

As he explains, it is massive expansion of the hospital across the entire realm A new mental health tower was completed last spring. The footprint of the emergency department is to double. There will be a massive new “super” floor that extends across two buildings for acute care, including operating rooms and rooms for interventional procedures, such as the cardiac catheter lab – the biggest in Canada - where heart blockages can now be taken out via catheter tubes rather than surgery. The Royal Columbian Hospital has Canada's top-rated neonatal intensive care unit, the largest neurology department in BC, and it also does the most cardiac surgeries in the province – and these departments will be increased in size and scope.  Also, there are other departments, some very well known, such as the trauma unit, radiology and stroke departments, among others – all of which will be expanded and modernized.  

The fund-raising efforts will be to buy new technology and equipment, provide funding for programs, and particularly in these times of Covid, gifts and online events to show appreciation and gratitude to  the more than 4000 people who work there under incredible pressure. He also speaks to some life-saving technologies that the community has provided that have been very important in caring for Covid patients.

by Susan Millar

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