Peer Support Program
New Westminster's Beacon Unitarian Church recently invited Mary Ann Becher to speak. She co-ordinates a peer support program at New Westminster's Century House – a centre for activities for seniors age 50 plus.
As she explains, the peer support program is one where seniors help seniors who are dealing with some challenges in their life. Interested seniors are given training and then paired up with a person who would like some support.
It is not about counselling. Rather it's a relationship where the helping senior walks beside a person needing help as they deal with their issues.
Mary Ann was invited to Beacon Unitarian Church because each year it chooses a worthy cause to support. This year it is the Peer Support program.
Mary Ann provides an overview of the program and some heart-warming stories of individual cases.
Century House is the first of its kind in Canada. It was built in 1958 to celebrate British Columbia's centennial year. It hosts a wide variety of activities for seniors including many exercise programs, games, social events, and they provide lunch every day at a low price
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