A few short New Westminster Secondary School memories
I graduated from NWSS in exciting Centennial Year, 1967. My memories of the school are positive. We had many excellent teachers, and I had many good friends, some of whom I still see. My English teacher, Mr. Roddan, gave us wonderful classes; he had a lovely sense of humour, but he also taught us a great deal about writing. This has stood me well throughout my life. Gym teacher, Mr. Swalwell was a bit rough, but he got me to climb the gym rope right up to the top and down again safely, which I thought I’d never do. I played tenor sax in the NWSS Concert Band led by Mr. Pryce. This was great fun, with a wonderful bunch of friends. I also played sax in the pit band for the “Boy Friend” production - the first of many musical plays staged at NWSS.
Best wishes for the new school building.
Gerry Stensgaard, class of 1967