Hi, thought I would write some interesting tidbits about going to NWSS
- I walked to school, and one of my highlights was talking to the children from the Orphanage next door as they walked to Lord Kelvin for school. One little boy (Billy) always stopped to chat as we went by. I asked him one day if he would like one of my Mom's homemade cookies, and he declined as he said he got so many nice treats when he got back. He was such a sweetie.
- I had Mr. Short as a English Teacher. He always kept his windows open wide every day of the year. We froze in that class. One day the snow was piling up on his bookcase and the books were getting wet and covered in snow. We tried moving them, but were told to sit down. ha ha.
- I also had Mr Woods for Math. He never called us by our names and some 40 years later I still remember him calling 10161 as my student number. Why do you remember facts like that!
- In Grade 8 my homeroom teacher was Miss Houston. She was great. She was also our French teacher. Well, Miss Houston went on to marry and become Charlotte Diamond, the Children's entertainer, singer. I passed French with flying colours as we sang everything in French... Great teacher.
Later when my kids were attending College Park Elementary in Port Moody, she came to sing. She picked me out of the audience right away as she remembered me. That was so cool.
- In Grade 12 I was in English 12 with Mrs. Theodore. She was very particular that you pronounce her name properly, to this day I still remember her calling me Florey? Why? My name was Kari Floden Weird. In that class were the New Westminster Bruins Hockey team players. I was so shy, quiet in those days, and those boys would cheat off the girls in the class. haha. I remember also the Bruins ockey players. One day during a test, a couple of them were cheating off me as usual. I didn't get very high marks, and was scolded by one of the hockey players. haha. I told them not to cheat off me then...
- In Feb. 1974 I was sent from school out into the world for "Job Experience". I was sent to the New West Courthouse at the Sheriff's Office 653 Clarkson Street. I worked there for 2 weeks, and they wanted to hire me on the spot. I was typing perfect words at 96 wpm. I told my boss I couldn't, as I needed to finish Grade 12. I went back to the high school and asked if I could continue working and all 5 teachers told me to just write an essay on what you do at the Sheriffs office daily for your final exam. I got an "A" in English that I was failing due to my extensive collection of Affidavits, Summons etc. I was typing etc. I remember my first pay cheque was $333.00. I thought that was millions in those days.... I ended up working in the courts for 16 years.
- I had Mr. Schaffer for band class. One day the drummer was supposed to play, but didn't. Mr. Schaffer asked him why and said he didn’t have drum sticks, Why? Because Tal Wood through them out the window. (this drummer went on to be my brother in law). We still laugh about it as he didn't know I was in that class with him.
- Also, this was all before computer days, so every year I was put into a boy's PE Class. With the spelling of my Name "Kari" they didn't know if I was a male or female. It was heartbreaking for me as I had to attend those classes for a week every time until they could sort it out. I was just so shy and embarrassed being there. My girlfriends would have loved it, but not me. Finally in Grade 12 they wrote on my index card I was a "female". lol
- I went to Spencer, and then onto NWSS for 8-12 and graduated in 1974.
Being shy I didn't have many male friends but lots of girl friends, Janice Staton (we are still good friends), Jan Wood, Tracy Dahm, Ruth Haberstock, Sue Randal, Ben Whiting, Sherry Campbell, Rita McCulloch, Laura Henderson, and more.
-Great years, no complaints and great people.
Thanks for letting me share.
Kari Larson nee Kari Floden. Class of 1974